A Typical uneducated complaint from a medical professional attending one of my lectures regarding this single TRUTH: “Viruses” DO NOT create disease and there is NO KEYNOTE study anywhere to prove that they do.

This is a typical computer generated image of a “virus” attacking a cell to create the FLU; the only problem is, this is NOT REALITY, and no one has ever witnessed this actually happening. These computer generated images are supposedly taken from actual electron micrograph images, however no one has ever seen one with the virus actually doing what the computer image simulation is attempting to demonstrate. What does this all mean? It means that pharmaceutical viral theory is bull shit. Below, you will find my responses to this medical doctor printed in BOLD/ITALIC, and his statements in normal type;

I went to the book talk and was very disappointed with the misinformation by Dr. Trebing.

Hello Doctor!  I welcome your input but after doing these lectures for over 30 years I can guarantee you there is never any “misinformation.”

  I am against the vaccine mandates, agree with RFK,Jr. that the vaccines have caused a great deal of harm, am against the forcing of children to wear masks , am against big pharma  and censorship.

We are in full agreement there!

However, as a retired Board Certified Surgeon, who graduated with honors in medical school, it was wrong for Dr. Trebing to say that viruses are just “debris” and do not cause diseases.

So, this is the basis of my book, as it covers the concepts of TERRAIN theory and counters the concepts of the GERM theory.  Both are theories.  The group as a whole last night understands the primary differences between these two theories, so my apologies for not going further into the details of both but in reading the group I was trying to make the talk a bit more advanced and interesting and not simply tout material they have already heard a million times before on podcasts.  Doctor, I don’t believe you have actually read my book?  If you have, I welcome more comments on where you believe there are errors or as you have noted, “misinformation.”  With pleasure I will send you a complimentary copy of my book, you can understand Terrain theory better from the aspects of historical significance I mention there, and then this can be a more productive conversation; however to label something as “misinformation” simply because you don’t fully understand it is not an acceptable place to begin a debate in my opinion.

  He said that viruses are not alive. Viruses have DNA or RNA and after gaining access to a host use the hosts replication system to reproduce and cause havoc-either illness or in worst case death.

Since you graduated with honors, surely you understand that viruses do not follow the standard requirements for being alive.  These concepts of which you speak (covered in my new book coming soon), have never been proven by ANY ONE keynote study, anywhere, and I would challenge you to present such proof that “viruses” have the ability to “attack” and / or “gain access to the host replication system.”  This is pharmaceutical conjecture and has never been proven, and has been challenged by many virologists in several Universities, such as Dr. Peter Duesberg, Dr. Sonnebend, Dr. Root-Bernstein, and more prominently Dr. Stefan Lanka; all of whom have been working with these entities as virologists all of their careers.  If you have data which proves viruses are alive somehow, I would be most interested in reading this, since none of these virologists have been able to form a consensus that the DNA/RNA even belongs to the so called viral entity, or if it is just stuck to the cell membrane.  To date, no single researcher has ever seen a virus attacking a cell and extracting it’s DNA or RNA.  Certainly, there are many computer simulations to find on google of a virus entity doing just this, but they are simulations based on assumptions and not fact.

  When one of the questioners asked him how to explain why a whole group of people at an event can get sick he said it was some kind of environmental or  mass group psyche that got them all sick. He said a child who is sick and is positive for streptococcus does not need to be treated.

Nope, never said that, and I have a recording of the meeting.  What I did say, is that REGARDLESS of the symptoms, the culture from the pediatricians office would come back positive for Strept with or without symptoms.  Strept is always there, because Strept is NOT doing what you believe it is doing.  It is not an opportunist creating havoc rather, a natural process of purification stimulated by microzyma in spontaneous generation.  Again, you need to read my book.

I have treated patients with acute diverticulitis, acute cellulitis, bacterial pneumonia, urinary tract sepsis etc, with antibiotics who would have died without antibiotics.

Happy to hear you have helped them with Antibiotics.  Again, in my book I explain this general misunderstanding.  Anti-biotics (against life drugs) will certainly STOP the process of purification and shut off the body’s ability to continue trying to eat the garbage it is attempting to clean up.  Therefore, they will (quite temporarily), shut off the symptoms and the patient will return to a state where they can function better for a period of time; until the next time………

All antibiotics do is shut down the body’s ability to clean up the trash.  Cleaning up the trash involves feeling awful for a while until the process is complete.  Most people are so ridiculously TOXIC that the body is completely overwhelmed with trying to purify it.  

That being said, I completely AGREE with the use of antibiotics to shut off a patients internal healing processes, which may very well kill them simply from being overwhelmed.  This is the state of most people you treated in your practice I would venture to say; I have been practicing 40 years treating patients with extreme toxic issues as well and have found that it needs to go slow and steady over a number of months.  Simply shutting off the symptoms with antibiotics is sometimes necessary, but I think you as well understand doctor that this is a band-aid, and never fully cures the patient.  Especially with the conditions you have noted.  I myself have diverticulitis and diverticulosis and have used antibiotics for a brief time to get out of crisis.  Then I moved to CURE my diverticulitis ….osis  by helping my body purify using herbs, homeopathy, Okra and pepsin enzymes in the correct proportions, and I have never been better.  So antibiotics certainly have their place (again I explain this in my book), but they are not the answer and do not cure anything.  They merely allow the patient to move forward without crisis for a while and in that time, hopefully they take action to improve their general state of health, which is how I advise my patients.

To say that these can be treated with homeopathy is a disgrace.

Nope, that just means you don’t understand the true nature of the way the body works.

Sure, there is a place for homeopathy and wellness. But to say that bacteria and viruses are harmless is unbelievable. 

Again, you have a general misunderstanding.  I NEVER ONCE used the work “harmless.”  Bacteria and other microbes are part of the general flow of life and the purification process and again, this is the basis of the Terrain theory which you do not grasp.

He seemed to be promoting his new book and his wife who spoke first also seemed to be promoting her own practice.


Dr. William Trebing is a board certified Chiropractic Physician with a specialty in Neurology, spinal disc repair and Radiology,  centered in Connecticut and South Carolina.  He has been in private practice for 38 years offering natural health care solutions and excellent Chiropractic adjustments, with a specialty in lower back and neck intervertebral disc repair, as well as Brain-Training Neurofeedback.  He is an internationally renowned lecturer on the topics of spinal disc repair, disc radiography, natural health care, the fallacies of the germ theory and mandatory vaccination programs.  He is also the author of the popular book, “Good-Bye Germ Theory.”  He completed his undergraduate and graduate work in Biology/Chemistry and Secondary Education at both Adelphi and Brown Universities, as well as his doctorate in Chiropractic from NY Chiropractic College.

We ALL Need to EXIT The W.H.O. AND FAST!!!!

The snake in the grass World Health Organization needs to be exited, disbanded, and labeled for the global fascist organization, OneWorld Strong-Arm of the pharmaceutical companies they truly are. Their logo encases the flat-earth map with a black magic wand nestled by a snake for good reason. Their primary mission today is to enslave YOU with mandatory vaccines/drugs, now enforced by a global “epidemic/pandemic” police force, and countries which sign-on with them will default their personal sovereignty to the pharmaceutical companies whim. The DemoCommunists within our own government here in the US are as well, bought lackeys of the pharmaceutical companies and will act to do their bidding through oppressive legislation, underpinned in other bills to become laws, so that before you know it you will have a VAX squad show up at your door insisting you bend over and take the kill-shot for the greater good of global-warming.


Countries that treasure individual freedom and respect bodily autonomy have only one IMMEDIATE choice: Exit the World Health Organization. It is now beyond clear that the WHO intends to eliminate your freedom of medical choice, and then some, through an international program called One Health, formally adopted by the WHO and the G20 health ministers in 2017. This program has Nazi Klaus Schwab’s influence and secret army running through it’s demonic veins.

To get more of idea of these evil plans, watch here:


Dr. William Trebing is a board certified Chiropractic Physician with a specialty in Neurology, spinal disc repair and Radiology,  centered in Connecticut and South Carolina.  He has been in private practice for 38 years offering natural health care solutions and excellent Chiropractic adjustments, with a specialty in lower back and neck intervertebral disc repair, as well as Brain-Training Neurofeedback.  He is an internationally renowned lecturer on the topics of spinal disc repair, disc radiography, natural health care, the fallacies of the germ theory and mandatory vaccination programs.  He is also the author of the popular book, “Good-Bye Germ Theory.”  He completed his undergraduate and graduate work in Biology/Chemistry and Secondary Education at both Adelphi and Brown Universities, as well as his doctorate in Chiropractic from NY Chiropractic College.